Korkia expands investment operations in the UK through a business acquisition

…entrepreneurs, project owners and institutional investors. RSF acts as a co-sponsor or outsourced deal team specialising in the origination, structuring and negotiation of strategic partnerships and investments. www.rsfcapitalpartners.com Notes to…

Tervetuloa – English

…haluat nopean vastauksen sivustoosi liittyvään kysymykseen. Kehittäjädokumentaatio osoitteessa seravo.com/docs, kun etsit asiantuntija-apua WordPress-kehitykseen liittyvissä asioissa. Asiakaspalvelu sähköpostiosoitteessa help@seravo.com, kun haluat keskustella sivustoosi liittyvästä ongelmasta. Mikäli sinulla on kehitysideoita tämän asennusprosessin…

Negotiating renewable structures – Kristina Sweet and James Spooner visiting #neuvottelija podcast

…solar and agriculture photovoltaics and structuring complex renewable projects. In addition, market perspectives from UK, Italy and Canada as well as green hydrogen were discussed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkXhk3VWNo0 Watch the episode on…

From electricity generation towards batteries and hydrogen – next steps in renewable energy

…¹Aurora European Battery Market Attractiveness Report, 2nd edition, 2023 2https://caruna.fi/ajankohtaista/sahkovarastot-yleistyvat-carunan-verkkoon-liitetaan-ensi-vuonna-ainakin-15-akkua 3https://www.liebreich.com/the-clean-hydrogen-ladder-now-updated-to-v4-1/ 4IRENA, Renewable Power Remains Cost-Competitive amid Fossil Fuel Crisis, 13 July 2022 5Statista, Average monthly electricity wholesale prices in…

The 2nd wave of renewable energy – Jussi Lilja and Toni Perätalo appeared on #neuvottelija-podcast

…and agriculture photovoltaics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlb3dE3kM8s Watch the episode on YouTube or listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple podcast (in Finnish). The episode has been made in commercial collaboration. This…

A year of strategic renewal powers up Korkia’s position as global renewable energy investor

…available from: Pauli Mäenpää Korkia’s CEO +358 50 550 7121 pauli.maenpaa@korkia.fi 1 https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2023/executive-summary 2 https://www.iea.org/reports/renewable-energy-market-update-june-2023/executive-summary *This valuation is based on an estimated total cost of building per megawatt of approximately…

Rough rides ahead – energy markets in turmoil

…on companies’ cost structures. Energy is a necessary basic commodity, which consumers cannot well go without, because the heating of rooms and water for use form over 80% of the…

Korkia and BIWO Renewables partner to develop 1 GW of PV capacity in Italy

…jbonilla@biworenovables.com BIWO Renewables BIWO Renewables is a global company dedicated to the development, construction and operation of photovoltaic and wind projects. Our fundamental purpose is to promote the penetration of…

Energy from the Sun coalition is ready to invest 10 billion euros in Finland’s solar power development

…a good understanding of the nature and requirements of projects of this scale from various authorities and cooperation parties. The coalition was formed to fill these gaps. The companies involved…

Korkia and Solmar Consulting starting cooperation – a record amount of solar energy coming soon to Southern, Western and Southeastern Finland

…20 projects in the pipeline, with unit sizes of 40–100 MW. The commercial operation dates are estimated to take place in 2025–2027, and when completed, the projects will cover the…