Media inquiries
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Global investor in renewable energy
We invest in the development of utility-scale ground mount photovoltaic solar and onshore wind globally. Our mission is to produce clean megawatts to the market to ensure that future generations have an economically prosperous and sustainable world to live in.
Our storyRenewable Energy
Mikko Kantero
Executive Vice President, Growth & Development
+358 50 2247
Mikko Kantero is responsible for finding new markets, making new investments and driving new business opportunities.
Readiness to comment on the following topics, among others:
renewable energy, solar energy, wind energy, energy self-sufficiency
Energy and Alternative Investments
Jussi Lilja
Executive Vice President, Fundraising and Client Relations
+358 50 376 0653
Jussi Lilja has worked for over 20 years in asset management and private equity. In his management team roles at Korkia and FIM, he has been involved in the development and offering of both traditional asset management and alternative private equity investments, such as energy, real estate and impact investments, to institutional investors and HNWI clients. He is an active social media conversationalist and likes to take a stand on current topics related to investing.
Readiness to comment on the following topics, among others:
energy investments, energy fund, solar fund, wind fund, alternative investments
Contact person related to:
Requests for images, materials and interviews
Logo & Slogan
The Korkia logo consist of two parts, a custom designed wordmark and an arrow symbol. There are several color versions of the logo that can be used depending on the background color, or technical requirements. When our slogan “Powering tomorrow” is used together with the logo, it is placed under the logo with the same width.
Download here:
Logo RGB
Logo & Slogan RGB
White Logo RGB
White Logo & Slogan RGB
Logo & Slogan CMYK
White Logo CMYK
White Logo & Slogan CMYK
Primary colour combination
CMYK: 85/20/45/35
RGB: 32/73/70
PMS: 7476 C
HEX: 204946
CMYK: 65/0/45/0
RGB: 119/193/167
PMS: 563 C
HEX: 77B59B