Powering tomorrow

Global investor in renewable energy on a mission to produce clean megawatts to the market


More than 70 renewable energy projects under development


Over 8GW of solar and wind power in development


Own team of 40 and local 30 professionals working in our joint ventures

Why invest with us?

We invest in the development of utility-scale ground mount photovoltaic solar, onshore wind and energy storage globally.

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Our Portfolio

Our portfolio includes more than 8 WG and over 70 renewable energy projects under development.

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How we operate?

We focus on the most impactful phase of renewable energy production – project development.

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Open for Investment

Make a positive impact – not forgetting the return

Korkia Renewable Energy LP’s investment strategy focuses on financing the project development phase of wind and solar power. The shorter time span of investments in the project development phase allows a faster capital turnover than in the construction and operation phases. This enables an attractive return on investment.

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We believe in a better tomorrow – but making it a reality requires action

Driving the sustainable development of our society is at the core of everything we do.
For us, this means, above all, accelerating the energy transition. Our mission is to produce clean megawatts to the market to ensure that future
generations have an economically prosperous and sustainable world to live in. We believe in a better tomorrow – but making it a reality requires concrete actions.

You can read about the actions we took in 2022 towards accomplishing our vision in our Annual Review and Sustainability 2022 report.

Annual Review and Sustainability 2022

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